Shilpaseema is the perfect venue for organizing public and private events. With the seating arrangement of 2500, Shilpaseema is ideal for traditional of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. Come and organize events at Shilpaseema and make them memorable moments to cherish for the rest of your lives. We have specially trained staff who enable hassle-free organization of events.
- Shilpaseema is an opened Venue Hall for Receptions, Cultural Functions, Birthday Parties, get together etc
- The Capacity of the hall is 250 people.
- Two Green rooms are available.
- Beautiful Lawn with water Fall.
- Kitchen Facility is available
RENT : 25,000
SERVICE TAX @ 15% (As Applicable) : 4,500
1) Rs. 4000/- cleaning charges for Cleaning of Garbage after the function for dispose of the garbage by engaging Labour & Tractor and transported to the Waste material to the Municipal Yard. 2) Shilparamam will not provide Power supply at any Venue place. 3) Generator arrangements will have has to be made by the party as per the requirement and at their own cost.1. Mr. Surat Singh Malhotra
M/s. Namdhari Tent House & Decorators,
8-2-584/7, Road No: 9, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad – 500034
Ph: 98490-40609, 9391434445, 040-23351990/ 23357287
2. Mr. Praveen Kumar Agarwal
M/s. Pavan Supplying Company,
H.No: 1-8-303/16/A,
Sindhi colony, P.G road,
Secunderabad – 500003
Ph: 9246337188, 9246521072
3. Mr. M. Zaheeruddin
M/s. Cyber Tent House,
C/o. M&S Bottling Company,
Plot No: 64, Street No.1, Sagar Society,
Road No.2, Banjara Hills , Hyderabad – 500034
Ph: 9849036397, 9246828891
1. Mr. Praveen Kumar Agarwal
M/s. Pavan Supplying Company
H.No: 1-8-303/16/A,
Sindhi Colony, P.G. Road,
Secunderabad – 500003
Ph: 9246337188, 9246521072
- Only the above empanelled vendors are permitted to supply the material. No outside vendor will be allowed.
- The cost of damages if any will be deducted and the balance will be refunded, within 24 hours of conclusion of function.
- All the payment shall be made in online only.
- Booking of the venue will be confirmed only on receipt of the total amount of Hire charges and permissions obtained and produced from the police (law and order and traffic), Excise dept. etc.
- Cooking has to be done at specified areas only.
- The premises require to be kept neat and clean. No usage of plastics.
- Modifications to the existing ambiance of the Venue/Hall not allowed. Erection of Temporary Sheds and any erection of artificial decoration with POP/ Fiber which spoil the natural and ethnic ambiance will not be allowed.
- No fireworks shall be allowed as there are thatched roof hutments all over Shilparamam.
- Political, religious meetings and banners are not permitted.
- The Shilparamam authority will have the right to stop any activity if noticed contrary to the above instructions.
- The activities are to be closed by 11.00 PM maximum as per the orders of the Police Commissioner.
- The plantations and the trees in the premises shall not be damaged or destroyed.
- Display of any kind of products as a part of the product promotion or brand promotion will not be permitted either in the form of flex, banners or any other kind.
- As per the orders of Supreme Court of India, using of Music System (45 decibels) will be allowed up to 10:00 PM with the prior permission of the Assistant Commissioner of Police, Madhapur Region, Hyderabad. Volume of the music should be confined only to the inside premises alone. No DJ is permitted. Cinematic dances and club dances are strictly prohibited.
- The Event Manager/Organizer has to get the prior approval of the layout of the utilization of the area of the proposed activities from the Special Officer, Shilparamam well in advance before the execution of works on ground.
- The hirer/organizer is responsible for any loss/ damage either to the person or property, whether by his own fault or of his agent/event manager/ contractor / guest engaged for the purpose in organizing the function and he is liable to all actions. The actual cost will be recovered from the caution deposit.
- Cleaning of the premises and shifting of the leftover food and material shall have to be done immediately after the function is over i.e. on the same night. No leftovers shall appear in the premises after the function.
- No Tandoor Batty, Ice, etc. will be allowed on the lawns. They should be placed at the designated areas only.
- The caterer has to provide adequate garbage bins for wet and dry garbage and make sure that they are placed at the designated areas.
- Spitting and smoking anywhere in the premises is strictly prohibited.
- Halogens and high power lights shall not be tied to the trees and shrubs either at the top or at the bottom of the trees.
- Pet animals are not allowed.
- The cars and the service vehicles will be allowed 3 hours before the function and they shall be parked at the designated place only.
- The designated officer / security personnel of the Shilparamam shall always have the access to the venue.
- In the event of violation of any of the rules cited, the management has got every right to cancel the allotment, even at the eleventh hour and black list hirer/organizer or caterer for using the Shilparamam in future. The entire deposit amount will be forfeited.
- Cancellation Terms: In the event of cancellations, deduction will be made as indicated below and the balance will be refunded.
1) Prior to 15days of the event – 25% of the Hire Charges,
2) Prior to 5 days of the event – 35% of the Hire Charges
3) Prior to 3 days of the event – 40% of the Hire Charges
4) Prior to 2 days of the event – 60% of the Hire Charges
5) Prior to 1 day of the event – 75% of the Hire Charges
6) After the day of the event – 100% of the Hire Charges
- The Party is responsible for taking the required permissions like POLICE-PPL-IPRS and to bring the necessary Permission / NOC from Entertainment tax issued by the Telangana State Commercial Tax Department and submit the same at our office at least 2 days before the event date.
- Serving of liquor shall not be allowed without valid license.
- The Tariff for 12 hours only including setup and clearance time.
- Hirer of the venue should select and inform the vendor at least five days before the Event date.